Looking For ‘Spoken English Classes Near Me’? Ask Google!

Lately people have
started searching for the query ‘Spoken English Classes Near Me’. In fact they
have gone manifolds as compared to how much they were doing it a year ago or

Google does respond to
their query showing three results in their famous three pack results on the
local business maps right at the top of the search result page. But those
results are not guaranteed to be the nearest spoken English classes to your

Why does it happen so?

There is more than one
reason responsible for this. Google does want to send you to the nearest spoken
English classes for sure. But it does not aim to send us to the ones it doesn’t
trust much. Hence it may ignore some of the nearby classes running in your
vicinity. Google’s trust depends on the following considerations:

reading further…

How to Improve Presentation Skills in English at Spoken English India

If your spoken English communication skills are
good enough, you can move on to next part of your learning curve, i.e., how to
improve presentation skills in English.

A presentation is a special kind of formal communication
which you give to a target audience formally ready to receive what you intend
to communicate to them.

It first and foremost requires that you need to have good
communication skills in the language you are going to deliver your presentation
in. Since more than 50% of presentations all over the world are delivered in
English, in majority of situations this language is going to be English only.
If that is the case, you need to have spoken English fluency first of all.

7 Basic Steps to Improve Presentation Skills:

Pinpoint the objective of your presentation

Prepare your subject well leading to the objective of the presentation.

Talk to your audience. Don’t render a speech in front of them.


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How to Learn English Accent in Bangalore at Spoken English India

How to learn English
accent at Spoken English India in Bangalore Indiranagar is not a secret but it does require
a deep insight into the sound of English diction as opposed to all the Indian
languages from North to south as well as from East to West.

I am talking about the
general neutral accent of the language called English as opposed to all the
Indian languages; and not about the US, the UK, and Canadian, Australian or
Irish accent in particular.

The very first
difference makes them 180 degree opposite to each other. The difference lies in
the verbal rendering of the phrases with two or more than two words in them.
Mostly these phrases comprise adjective-noun combinations; or else combinations
of adverbs, adjectives and nouns.

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How to Learn English Grammar at Spoken English Classes in Bangalore

How to learn English
grammar at spoken English classes in Bangalore is the key question for students
here as they start learning spoken English fluency. If they give attention to
grammar, the fluency gets a beating. On the other hand if they focus on fluency
more, the grammatical structure of their sentences goes awry. Thus it becomes a
challenge for them to integrate the two in one single whole. And the whole
takes care of their grammar as effectively as it does to their fluency in one
single go.

It’s not only fluency
that the students have to take care of, along with taking care of their
grammatical structures. It’s also the pronunciation, the accent, the stage
fright that they are a victim to, the body language, the voice training and the
most effective content to speak. They aren’t able to hold them all in one
single basket and one gets neglected at the cost of other.

What’s the way out?

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How to Improve Communication Skills in English at Spoken English India Bangalore

At Spoken English
India in Bangalore, we are constantly innovating and evolving newer ways
concerning how to improve communication skills in the most effective manner
regardless of whatever level the aspirant stands at as and when she or he joins
us for the purpose.

Communication skills
as they stand for the spoken English in India have many facets that need to be
taken care of at various different levels of various different aspects not only
of the language but also of the psychological and the biological factors aimed
at supporting those skills in the most effective way.

There are quite a few
scenarios and you might identify yourself as stuck under one of those:
